EuroWindoor AISBL
EPW members agreed in a meeting for preparation of a new AISBL founding on March 25th, 2015 to suspend the operations of EPW and to participate instead to the new European Association EuroWindoor AISBL.
For more Information please visit
EPW positions
EPW published following position:
There are 1 files.
SecondQuestionnaire_WindowsDoors_FEMIB_and_EPW.pdf (619.91 kb) Answer to second questionnaire for "Revision of GPP criteria for Windows and external doors" (February 2012)
EPW is co-editor of the following EuroWindoor/EPW positions:
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_Position_on_CPSR_final.pdf (153.59 kb) Position Paper on “Consumer Product Safety Regulation” (October 2013)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_comments_to_draft_del_act_eSupply_130705.pdf (159.44 kb) Comments on the proposal for "Delegated Act e-Supply" (July 2013)
There are 1 files.
Position_on_CPR_-_STD_1203_final.pdf (120.34 kb) Construction Products Regulation – Understanding of Specific Technical Documentation (STD) (March 2012)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_Position_on_Window_Energy_rating_final.pdf (357.33 kb) EuroWindoor Position on Window Energy Rating (June 2010)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_Position_ECO_labels_final.pdf (72.14 kb) EuroWindoor position on ECO-LABEL (March 2010)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_comments_to_GPP_second_Product_Sheet_for_Windows_final.pdf (46.39 kb) EuroWindoor position on stakeholder consultation for the second set of Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria - Product Sheet - Windows, Glazed Doors and Skylights (September 2009)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_position_on_amendments_for_CPR_0902_final.pdf (91.8 kb) EuroWindoors position on draft amendments to Commission proposal for Construction Products Regulation (dated 19 February 2009) (February 2009)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_position_on_recast_of_EPBD_final.pdf (103.29 kb) EuroWindoors position on the recast of Directive 2002/91/EC to improve the energy performance of buildings (February 2009)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_position_on_draft_CEN_TR_00351003_final.pdf (31.73 kb) EuroWindoor Position on 1st draft CEN/TR 00351003 "Evaluation of a horizontal approach to assess the possible release of dangerous substances from construction products in support of requirements from the CPD" (February 2009)
There are 1 files.
The_European_house_needs_better_windows_final.pdf (145.35 kb) EuroWindoor position "The European house needs better windows - The EuroWindoor vision and proposal on Energy Efficiency of windows with effective legislation and modern technology" (January 2009)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_position_on_the_draft_report_on_the_CPR_final.pdf (37.26 kb) EuroWindoors position on the draft report on the CPR proposal from reporter Catherine Neris (November 2008)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_position_on_Energy_saving_final.pdf (68.52 kb) The role of fenestration for less energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission reductions (November 2008)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_comments_to_GPP_Product_Sheet_for_Windows_final.pdf (34.08 kb) EuroWindoors position on the Green Public Procurement Product Sheet - Windows, Glazed Doors and Skylights (Ver. 1.1) (October 2008)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_position_on_TC_33_resolution_637c.pdf (56.76 kb) Position to the request for a new extension of the coexistence period for EN 14351-1 of one year (September 2008)
There are 1 files.
EuroWindoor_on_consultation_on_revision_92_75_EEC_final.pdf (39.29 kb) Position on stakeholder consultation on the revision of Energy Labelling Framework Directive 1992/75/EEC (February 2008)